Was es in der EU, Deutschland den Geldwäsche Paradiesen nicht gibt, fordert man von Albanien, wobei es den peinlichen Schwachsinn von „Hinter Tür“ Justiz“, Weisungs gebundener Justiz nur in Deutschland gibt, wie der „GRECO“ Bericht der EU festhält. Und diese Ratten sollen ja Justiz bringen, was es nicht einmal in Deutschland gibt. Was für ein Skandal, denn auch Angela Merkel, fastelte in ihrer Hirnlosen Regierungs Tätigkeit, etwas von den „entscheidenden Fortschritte“, denn korrupte Gestalten, ohne Studium und richtigen Berufs, sind leicht käuflich. 20 Jahre dumme Berichte schrieben, für ein Land, wo nie ein Gesetz implementiert wurde, aber Milliarden für korrupte Projekte, Reise Spesen und dumme andere Ideen verpulvert werden durch die totale Inkompetenz. Idioten, werden als Experten verkauft, denn solche Berichte gab es in 2003 schon auch vom FBI an den Kongreß, aber es wurde dann immer schlimmer, mit den EU und Berliner Korruptis. EG Commission Bericht: Geldwäsche, über Immobilien und Glücksspiel sind wichtiger Wirtschafts Zweig, zusammen mit Kriminellen. Das dient ebenso der Terrorismus Finanzierung. Ein EU Bericht, zeigt im Vergleich zu 2000-2002, Abgründe des „failed state“, aber für Bestechungsgeld der korrupten EU Vertreter, der Botschafterin von Knut Fleckenstein, kaufte man erneut „entscheidende Fortschritte“ in jedem Bericht seit Jahren.
  1. Die Folge der Kathastropahlen Finanz Beratung der Internationalen Betrugs Mafia, haben das Land ruiniert und total verschuldet.


Albania should step up its efforts to combat money laundering, says Council of Europe report Strasbourg 17/12/2018 In a report published today, the Council of Europe anti money laundering body MONEYVAL calls on… Albania should step up its efforts to combat money laundering, says Council of Europe report Strasbourg 17/12/2018 In a report published today, the Council of Europe anti money laundering body MONEYVAL calls on… Albania should step up its efforts to combat money laundering, says Council of Europe report Strasbourg 17/12/2018
Albania should step up its efforts to combat money laundering, says Council of Europe report
In a report published today, the Council of Europe anti money laundering body MONEYVAL calls on the Albanian authorities to step up their efforts in pursuing launderers and confiscating their assets connected to significant proceeds-generating offences, and tackling terrorist financing related risks. The report makes comprehensive assessment of the effectiveness of Albania’s anti money laundering and counter terrorist financing (AML/CFT) system and its level of compliance with the FATF Recommendations. Based on the results of its evaluation, MONEYVAL decided to apply its enhanced follow-up procedure to Albania. MONEYVAL acknowledges that the Albanian authorities have a reasonably good understanding of the country’s money laundering risks in the formal economy and have national coordination mechanisms for policy-making to address risks. However, these mechanisms have not proven to be fully effective and there are some areas that would benefit from a more detailed analysis of the threats posed. Corruption poses major money laundering risks in Albania. Often linked to organised crime activities, it generates substantial amounts of criminal proceeds and seriously undermines the effective functioning of the criminal justice system. The authorities are aware of the risks from corruption but so far law enforcement has given limited attention to target corruption-related money laundering. A significant judicial reform is currently being implemented to better address the corruption risks prevalent in the country. The competent authorities systematically use the General Directorate for the Prevention of Money Laundering reports and a wide range of other sources of information to initiate and facilitate investigations of money laundering, associated predicate offences and terrorist financing. Parallel investigations are systematically applied in money laundering cases and in other criminal proceedings. However, these investigations rarely result in indictments and money laundering proceedings connected to significant proceeds-generating offences are mostly suspended or dismissed by the prosecution. The report underlines that Albania has a robust legal framework for confiscation of criminal proceeds but the number and values of seized and confiscated assets do not seem to be commensurate to the level of the criminality in the country. With regard to terrorist financing, MONEYVAL notes that the perception and understanding of the related risks do not seem to adequately address the characteristics of potential terrorist financing activities in the country and the region. There is no systematic approach to identify and investigate financing aspects of terrorism-related offences. In relation to the implementation of targeted financial sanctions there are some technical deficiencies, which may hamper effectiveness of Albania’s compliance. The report highlights that the Bank of Albania has a good understanding of money laundering and terrorist financing risks and has recently enhanced its offsite reporting system to support its assessment of risks of individual entities. The Financial Supervisory Authority is in the process of transitioning to a risk-based approach in supervision but its inspection activity undertaken so far has been very limited. Although some important efforts are made, neither the Bank of Albania nor the Financial Supervisory Authority consistently apply a risk-based perspective when reviewing applications for licenses by financial institutions, or take a systematic approach to monitor them in order to fully mitigate the risk of criminal infiltration. Finally, the report notes that Albania has reportedly provided mutual legal assistance with an appropriate level of cooperation. However, the general legal mechanism for executing foreign mutual legal assistance requests has some deficiencies which may undermine their effectiveness. The Committee of Experts on the Evaluation of Anti-Money Laundering Measures and the Financing of Terrorism (MONEYVAL) is a monitoring body of the Council of Europe entrusted with the task of assessing compliance with the principal international standards to counter money laundering and the financing of terrorism and the effectiveness of their implementation, as well as with the task of making recommendations to national authorities in respect of necessary improvements to their systems. The evaluation of Albania´s anti-money laundering and combating financing of terrorism system was based on the 2012 Financial Action Task Force Recommendations, and was prepared using the 2013 Methodology. Fifth round Mutual Evaluation Report on Albania Summary of Fifth round Mutual Evaluation Report on Albania
Raporti i KE: Pasuritë e paluajtshme dhe lojërat e fatit po pastrojnë para, bashkëpunim me kriminelë
Komisioni Europian në raportin e tij të fundit për monitorimin e pastrimit të parave në Shqipëri ka publikuar dhe sektorët kryesorë, përmes të cilëve po bëhet pastrimi i parave në vend. Ai vë në dy…
Georg Soros Land der totalen Zerstörung mit Dumm Kriminellen