Im Solde des CIA: Edi Rama wirft 2 harmlose Iranische Diplomaten raus

Der korrupte John Bolton, Guiliani, John McKain kassierten Millionen, von den MEK Terroristen in Albanien, deshalb sind Iranische Journalisten nicht Willkommen in Albanien, weil man die US-kurdischen MEK Terroristen und den Drogen Handel schützen muss. Der Albanische Geheimdienst hat schon einmal mit konstrurierten Behauptungen den harmlosen Iman von Durres verhaften lassen, der dann frei gesprochen wurde. Das selbe System nun des Albanischen Geheimdienstes SHIS. Alte Albanische Tradition der Drogen und Verbrecher Kartelle: Man macht Alles, damit der kriminelle Treiben auch als Partner der Mafiösen Betrugs Missionen: OPDAT, EURALIUS und der „Camorra“ identischen Organisation: IRZ-Stiftung geduldet wird, wo Milliarden gestohlen werden. Verbrecher Geschäfte in Tradition der NATO, USA und von Berlin seit 20 Jahren. Foreign Police Bericht , über den Schrotthaufen des Albanischen Aussenministerium, identisch wie bei den Deutschen: Mr. Bushati will be remembered as one of the worse Ministers that Albanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has ever had.  Everyone who reads the daily publications nationally and internationally can clearly observe that Mr. Bushati has suddenly changed his roles, from being Albania’s top Diplomat to Albania’s top vacations’ chief.
Mr. Bushati will be remembered as one of the worse Ministers that Albanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has ever had.  Everyone who reads the daily publications nationally and internationally can clearly observe that Mr. Bushati has suddenly changed his roles, from being Albania’s top Diplomat to Albania’s top vacations’ chief. Die Vertreibung von Botschaftern, reagiert Iran Albanien Opfer der USA und Israel Vorbild in Tirana: der Iranische Botschafter: „Gholamhosein Mohammadnia“. , der sich im Gegensatz zu den korrupten US, EU, Deutschen Botschaft nicht in die Internen Angelegenheiten eines Staates einmischen, finanziert von Berufs Kriminellen Verbrechern, die nicht einmal das Völkerrecht kennen. Was die Dümmsten so treiben in der Welt. Zur „Persona non Grata“ erklärt, der Botschafter des Irans: „Gholamhosein Mohammadnia“. Die Amerikaner fürchten um ihren Betrugs Waffen Schmuggel aus Albanien der seit über 25 Jahren existiert, mit Chinesischen Original Waffen, AK-47 auch nach Ruanda, oder im grössten NATO Skandal der CIA und Pentagon Kriminellen, als man uralt Munition in Pack Karton umpackte, vor allem nach Afghanistan und dem Irak. Deutsche Frachter, brachten direkt diese Waffen in die USA, vor den Augen der Bevölkerung im Hafen Durres mindestens ab 1998 und bei Nacht und Nebel die Beladung der Container
  • Original „facebook“ und Twitter Idiot auch die US Minister und Donald Trump, bis zu Heiko Maas, den diversen dummen Deutschen Ministern und Ministerinnen.
  • Edi Rama der Hirnlose, wirft die 2 Iranischen Diplomaten raus, der CIA klatscht Beifall Jedes Verbrechen wird von Deutschen und Amerikaner auch rund um die NATO finanziert. Die identischen Leute Der verantwortliche Verteidigungs Minister Fatmir Mediu, mit Luxus Auto: Heute unverändert angeklagt, aber wieder als vollkommen korrupte und auch sehr dumme Person, wieder Minister. Auch der entlassene General Stabs Chef, bezeugte vor Gericht, das Minister Fatmir Mediu, ein enger alter Freund von Salih Berisha, der Architekt dieser hoch kriminellen Konstruktionen ist. Diese kriminellen Konstruktionen bestanden aber schon durch die Amerikaner inklusive dem Drogen Handel im Jahre 2000 mindestens und mit Sicherheit auch davor. Schon im Jahre 1998, liefen Schiffe aus Durres aus, in Richtung USA, welche mit Waffen und Munition Container beladen waren. vor allem waren es Chinesische AK-47, Chinesische Munition, Granatwerfer und auch Raketen, welche in unglaublicher Zahl in Albanischen Munitions Depots lagerten. 2 Anwälte der Opfer, haben nun vor dem EU Menschenrechtshof erreicht, das Fatmir Mediu, persönlich haftend ist. Fatmir Mediu, arbeitet nun mit der Müll Mafia der Camorra der Italienischen Mafia. Mihal Delijorgjit (in Haft im Moment)und sein Villa natürlich auch dort und die vom Verteidigungs Minister Fatmir Mediu sowieso (die Mafia hat ihm wohl das Grundstück geschenckt. Die Verantwortlichen der Kathastrophe von Gerdec, sind also auch dort, was sowieso klar war.Wednesday, October 08, 2008Speculation Surrounds Case of Albanian Whistle-Blower Kosta Trebicka’s Death, Miami Arms Dealer Efraim Diveroli and links to the Albanian Mafia !   Oct. 8th 2008, The investigation into the death of a whistle-blower Kosta Trebicka in Albania appears to be nearing its conclusion, but with little hope of quelling the suspicion and speculation surrounding the case. Kosta Trebicka, a witness in an inquiry, died (possibly murdered) last month, 9/12/2008. The whistle-blower, Kosta Trebicka, uncovered evidence of public corruption in the export of ammunition from the Communist era in Albania . His accusations were followed by arrests in Albania and charges against the employees of an arms-dealing company (AEY Inc) in Miami Fl, United States, but only after an explosion at a munitions facility in the town of Gerdeci Albania killed 26 people, including children. Mr. Trebicka, 48, a witness in the investigation into the explosion, a national tragedy in Albania, was found dead on a rural roadside near his car (see video click here). According to „News 24 TV“ Albania , Trebicka was linked with the American intelligence service CIA about the investigation of trafficking weapons by the Albanian army and Albanian mafia and he was the top person who knew everything about the Gerdeci Blast scandal of Albania last March 2008. Albania’s government said on Friday Sept 12 2008 it was looking into the sudden death of an arms industry figure who was helping prosecutors investigate a weapons sale to the United States and an explosion that killed 26 people. Television pictures (see video click here) showed businessman Kosta Trebicka, his head covered in blood, sprawled on his back on a dirt road in a remote area of eastern Albania, where he had been hunting. His off-road car was nearby, and appeared to be damaged. Trebicka was involved in repackaging ageing Chinese ammunition that was being sold from Albania to AEY Inc (Efraim Diveroli), a U.S. firm contracted by the Pentagon to supply the Afghan army.Transcript of Diveroli – Trebicka Conversation, between Efraim Diveroli in Miami Fl and Kosta Trebicka in Albania – alleging Prime Minister Son, Mr. Shkelzen Berisha, on weapons smuggling from Albania and heavy influence of Albanian Mafia on Prime Minister, Sali Berisha’s Deals. Recorded in Tirana, Albania on June 11, 2007 at 20:49 PM by Trebicka, Diveroli was in Florida* This conversation was recorded in Albania by Kosta Trebicka on a Nokia cell phone, the high quality and clarity of the (recorded) conversation indicates that Kosta Trebicka had professional assistance (CIA) in recording the conversation on his cell phone. Name Key:1). Efraim Diveroli – President of Miami- based AEY, Inc.2). Kosta Trebicka – Albanian businessman, owner of Xhoi 3). Ylli Pinari – Director of Meico, official arms export agency of Albanian Ministry of Defense (under arrest)4). Henry Thomet – Swiss businessman, alleged owner of Cyprus-based Evdin 5). Fatmir Mediu – Albanian Minister of Defense (resigned)6). Mihal Delijorgji – Albanian “businessman” (contractor for AEY and Southern Ammunition, under arrest)7). Sali Berisha – Albanian Prime Minister 8). Shkelzen Berisha – son of Sali Berisha “MEICO”( Military Export Import Company ) is a public enterprise subordinate by the Albanian Ministry of Defense. “For the creation of Import- Export Enterprise subordinate by the Ministry of Defense”. “MEICO” is made up of a specialized staff (Albanian Mafia) in the field of import- exports. Its General Director is Mr. Ylli Pinari. It is alleged the Albanian military and AEY Miami Fl used a third company, Cyprus-based Evdin Ltd., a company subcontracted by Albania’s trading giant, MEICO, to coordinate the deal between the Albanian military and AEY In Miami Fl. The New York Times alleges the Head of MEICO, Ylli Pinari, doubled the real price of the munitions and pocketed the difference which was shared among Albanian politicians.Efraim Diveroli, AYE’s chief, David Packouz, Alexander Podrizki and Ralph Merrill were indicted by a federal grand jury in Miami on wide-ranging fraud charges in connection to supplying faulty ammunition to the Afghan army. The head of Miami-based company AEY Efraim Diveroli, suspected of a murky arms deals with Albanian officials to ship Chinese-made ammunition to the Afghan army is expected to plead guilty. “The 22-year-old arms dealer will plead guilty to charges that he defrauded the U.S. government by shipping Chinese-made ammunition to Afghanistan and then trying to hide its country of origin from military officials,” the Associated Press reports. Efraim Diveroli, AYE’s chief in Miami, David Packouz, Alexander Podrizki and Ralph Merrill were indicted by a federal grand jury in Miami on wide-ranging fraud charges, see Efraim Diveroli’s Florida State charges below. State Case#: 132006CF0430400001XX…Name: DIVEROLI, EFRAIM DOB: 12/20/1985…Date Filed: 12/21/2006..Date Closed: 11/21/2007 Courtroom: REGJB-JUSTICE BUILDING, ROOM#:2-4 Address: 1351 N.W. 12 ST Miami….Judge: MARIN, ANTONIO Defense Attorney: SHAPIRO, ROBERT Charge…………………………Charge Type……………..Disposition 1.BATTERY………………..MISDEMEANOR…….NOLLE PROS-COMP PTI 2.DL/POSN OF STOLEN….FELONY……………NOLLE PROS-COMP PTIConversation Recorded in Tirana, Albania on June 11, 2007 at 20:49 PM by Kosta Trebicka, Efraim Diveroli was in Miami Florida* Sound clip 1 Audio …………………………………………Trebicka: What’s happening with your pal Pinari? Diveroli: I don’t know, you tell me, did you make a deal with him with the boxes?Trebicka: I don’t want to make a deal with him, you know that he is a crook, you told me before that he’s a mafia guy, didn’t you? Diveroli: I think he is, either he’s the (Albanina) mafia or the (Albanina) mafia is controlling him. Either way he’s a problem. The problem is, I don’t have a choice. I have to deal with him. The U.S. government is expecting the products. I have no decision to make.Sound clip 2 Audio………………………………. Diveroli: What’s going on with the whole friggin’ thing here, …(inaudible conversation about Pinari….) OK, Kosta, the company that’s doing the packing might want to buy your packing material, I’m going to broker the deal… Trebicka: Which one is the company, is it still Delijorgji? Diverolli: I have no fxxking idea, we’re waiting for Pinari to give us the details of this company. I will push this sale very hard to go through. Sound clip 3 Audio……………………………Diveroli: ……….(Some talk about services Trebicka is still supposed to do for Diveroli.) I’ve been 100% with you. I did not remove you from this job. You understand that? I have nothing to do with this. Even though Pinari asked me to, and he’s forcing me to, I have never supported this decision. I’m very, very upset, I’m very concerned. Trebicka: Is he still working with Henry Thomet? Diveroli: I think he’s still working with Henry. I’m still working with Henry. I have to work with Henry. I’m working with Henry. Sound Clip 4 Audio………………….Diveroli: …I’m different than Henry, I can’t play monkey business with the (Albanina) mafia and Delijorgji and all those fxxking guys in Albania….. I’m a U.S. company, I’m working for the government, everyone is watching me. Pinari needs a guy like Henry in the middle to take care of him and his buddies (Albanian Mafia), which is none of my business. I don’t want to know about that business, I want to know about legitimate businesses. That’s my feeling, that’s my feeling on the situation, that’s my idea, that’s my opinion. Sound clip 5 Audio ……………………………Some small talk, discussion about George Bush visit to Albania… Trebicka: ….but I think with Pinari and his (Albanian) mafia guys and Delijorgji and Henry, it will be difficult for you to go ahead because they will create lots of problems …. Probably I will be invited in Washington DC from the CIA guys and from my friends over there. .. two weeks from now I will come to Florida to shake hands with you and discuss future deals. Diveroli: I like that. Let’s do that. Sound clip 6 Audio………………….. Diveroli: I have a good deal going on in Serbia right now that I might need some financing for…. Kosta, Kosta, I have an idea, maybe, you could finish packing, for example, the two and half million you owe me. And Pinari and Delijorgji will see your operation is already moving smoothly and they’re not going to want to disrupt it, so they’ll buy the material from you. They don’t have to go around and drive to Macedonia and schlep around. Maybe this is a good idea, I think. Do you think Pinari is actually going to do the job? Sound clip 7 Audio …………………Trebicka: I found good partners and I think I can continue the job. I don’t know about Pinari, Delijorgji and his (Albanina ) mafia…if they want to still work with me… I will not talk, I will not open mouth, I will do whatever you tell me to do. Diveroli: I understand…. I’m just telling you… I protect you, you protect me type of thing. Let me speak with Pinari. Pinari knows he has to do the packaging.Kosta Trebicka, witness against Albanian Mafia See Prior Post on Albanian Mafia,Monday, August 25, 2008, ALBANIAN MUSLIM MAFIA RUNS INTL STOLEN CAR RING TO FUND JIHAD, UPDATED BY PRIVATE INVESTIGATOR BILL WARNER.Bill WarnerPrivate[youtube]Und Kosta Trebicka der Haupt Belastungs Zeuge und Zwischen Händler in diesen Mafiösen Geschäften, ist heute bei einem Auto Unfall bei Korce gestorben. Contratto del 23 Marzo tra MEICO e AEY Inc. – Contratto MEICO-Edvin-AEY EDVIN Lrd Pentagon I documenti della triangolazione per il traffico d’armi tra Pentagono, contractor statunitense e Governo albanese.
  • Geschützt von der EU und KfW Mafia, wird nun der Journalist: , Ylli Rakipi, bedroht, was bei der Tropoje Mafia mit Bashkim Ulaj nicht verwundert, ebenso nicht bei den EU und deutschen Ratten, denn es gab in identischen Fällen im Visa Skandal 5 tote Deutsche (vor 2005 und ein BKA Bericht, hält das fest), als die Diplomaten ihre Mafia Geschäfte verstecken wollten. Ein Deutscher Richter in Berlin, bezeichnete damals höchste Diplomaten des Auswärtigen Amtes, als Lügner und heute ist es noch viel schlimmer, seitdem man auch noch Kopfabscneider wie in Libyen, oder die White Helms finanziert.
Heiko Maas und die White Helms Kriminellen, holen sich Geld ab

der korrupte John Bolton, erfindet Todesdrohungen seiner MEK Terroristen gegen Minister: Pantelj Majko

Im Gegenzug das man jeden kriminellen Unfug der Amerikaner undf NATO mitmacht, wird jedes Verbrechen der jeweiligen Regierungen geduldet, was lange bekannt ist. Reine Erfindung des Pyschopaten John Bolten in einem Interview bei Fox News, wo sich dieser käuliche Verbrecher, Sicherheitsberater von Trump wichtig macht, bei gleichzeitiger Erpresssung von Europa und Berlin.

Der gefährlichste Mann der Welt

Der Nationale Sicherheitsberater im Weißen Haus, John Bolton, gilt als absoluter Hardliner in Washington. Ein Original „Hühner Falke“, wie Richard Perle, welche nur Krieg ständig organisieren.

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Erbaut von Israel zwischen 2013 und 2015 in der Nähe von Tirana, ist die geheime Stadt Manza in Albanien die Militärbasis der Mudschahiddin des Volkes.

After the event, McCain met separately with Rajavi, the group said.

Das Terroristen Camp in der Manze zwischen Tirana und Durres ist mit 3.000 Terroristen schon ein einmalig kriminelles Construkt und auch nach den Bin Laden Camps ab 1993, nur eine Fortsetzung krimineller US Politik im Balkan, wo immer viele korrupte EU und Deutsche Politiker aktiv mitmachen. Promotet von Frank Walter Steinmeier, die US Mafia Nr. 1: Gambino Clan mit Hillary Clinton und jede Art von Verbrechen.

Hillary Clinton – MEK Terroristen

Diese neue Lüge, ist besonders peinlich, wenn John Bolton, sogar eine Website betreibt gegen den Iran und mit Millionen geschmiert und eingekauft wurde. Die Website des John Bolton, aktuell über den Iran und gegen die EU in allen Bereichen.EU kann US-Sanktionen gegen Iran nicht neutralisieren

Es gibt Berichte, die auf unbestreitbar engere Verbindungen der MEK zu Rudy Giuliani verweisen, der bei einem diesjährigen Treffen des Nationalen Widerstandsrates des Iran (engl. National Council of Resistance of Iran – NCRI), der vom MEK geprägt ist, Anfang des Jahres in Paris vom Regime Change in Teheran sprach.

Und es gibt einen aktuellen Bericht, der betont, dass das US-Außenministerium Wert darauf legt, sich von Giulianis Position gegenüber der MEK zu distanzieren. Nötig war dies offenbar, weil die MEK am kommenden Samstag beim Treffen der Organization of Iranian-American Communities in New York anwesend sein wird und Giuliani wieder einmal als Redner gebucht ist.

Die engste Verknüpfung der MEK mit der derzeitigen US-Regierung besteht über den Nationalen Sicherheitsberater John Bolton, der die Unterstützung der Gruppe empfiehlt – in seinen Augen ist sie eine „brauchbare Opposition zu den Ayatollahs“.

Von staatlichen Veröffentlichungen in Iran wird dagegen argumentiert, dass die Kritik aus der Washingtoner Führung eine Kopie der MEK ist. Da sei sehr vieles identisch.

John Bolton, Cheerleader for the MEK

Originally appeared on The American Conservative February 28, 2018.

Robin Wright reviews Bolton’s awful record, including his enthusiasm for the Mujahideen-e Khalq (MEK):

MEK – Manze

MEK Terroristen Camp / Manze

Die US finanzierten kurdischen MEK Terroristen und die EU klatscht Beifall

Iran plots terror on European soil as EU tries to shield regime from Trump sanctions push


The National Council of Resistance in Iran (NCRI) said that the regime wanted to murder them in Iraq, and the failure to do so marked a “major setback” for the regime.

Former Albanian Prime Minister Pandeli Majko revealed to Fox News that he has been told by U.S. officials that he needs to increase his security after intelligence of a threat against him.

Fox News „.

US-Fernsehen Fox News: Minister Majko wollen iranische Geheimdienste töten

Der ehemalige Premierminister und aktuelle Diaspora Minister Pandeli Majko ist bedroht von den iranischen Geheimdienstagenten. Die Nachricht hat seine Majko angekündigt, in einem Interview mit dem US – TV – Netzwerk, “ Fox News „.

Maryam Rajavi Baghdadi MEK ISIS terror TehranMassoud Khodabandeh,, June 20 2017:… The following piece has been written by somebody I know well. He does not want his real name to be used because that would jeopardize the sensitive nature of his current work in counter terrorism in Europe – Massoud Khodabandeh… As a former member of the Mojahedin Khalq terrorist organization (MEK), I followed the news of terrorist attacks on Tehran with shame, guilt and anger. My shame and guilt stem …

Massoud Khodabandeh, Huffpost, June 02 2017:… The meeting was organised by Ana Gomes, SND (Portugal) and seconded by Marietje Schaake, ALDE (Netherlands) and Michael Gahler, Christian Democrats (Germany). Two expert speakers were invited to address the meeting: Nicola Pedde, Director Institute for Global Studies, Italy and Massoud Khodabandeh, Director Middle East Strategy Consultants, UK. …

Elona Gjebrea_Maryam RajaviMassoud and Anne Khodabandeh, Huffpost, May 18 2017:… In Albania, Elona Gjebrea also has close ties to the United States on the issue of people trafficking and slavery. The US embassy in Tirana, Albania acknowledged the State Department’s annual Trafficking in Persons report in June 2016 by saying, “The United States appreciates the close cooperation with the Government of Albania, civil society and especially National …

grooming Mojahedin Khalq (MEK, Rajavi cult) in Tirana part of bigger agenda for Albania

ISIS ISIL Mojahedin Khalq Rajavi cult Flaqsgrooming Mojahedin Khalq (MEK, Rajavi cult) in Tirana part of bigger agenda for Albania

Gazeta Impakt, Albania, Translated by Iran Interlink,  January 01 2017:… According to Fatos Klosi, former director of the National Intelligence Service, the American CIA chief has warned Albania that Donald Trump will renounce support for the MEK terrorists and it will be the Albanian Government itself which must deal with internal security and must confront a group trained militarily from the time of Saddam Hussein …

NATO’s Terrorist Bases in Europe

NATO and the United States, which, together, claim to be fighting some sort of amorphous “global war on terrorism,” have enabled a terrorist group to establish bases in two NATO member states – France and Albania – and one NATO protectorate, Kosovo. After evacuating forces of the anti-Iranian terrorist group Mojahedin-e-Khalq from their former bases in Iraq, the United States and NATO facilitated the group’s establishment of a well-guarded military base in Manez, Albania, near Tirana. In addition to hosting MEK members, NATO has convinced Albania to accept members of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), who surrendered to Western special forces in Syria and Iraq…….

The MEK’s most notable terrorist actions included:

  • the attempted kidnapping in 1970 of the U.S. ambassador to Iran, Douglas MacArthur II, the nephew of the famed World War II general.
  • the attempted assassination in 1972 of U.S. Air Force Brigadier General Harold Price with an improvised explosive device (IED).
  • the assassination in 1973 of U.S. Army officer Louis Lee Hawkins in Tehran. That same year, the MEK assassinated U.S. Air Force officers Col. Paul Shaffer and Lt. Col. Jack Turner.
  • the 1973 bombings of Pan-American World Airlines and Shell Oil offices in Tehran.
  • the assassination in Tehran in 1976 of three American employees of Rockwell International — William Cottrell, Donald Smith, and Robert Krongard. U.S. President Gerald Ford said he hoped that “the murderers will be brought to justice.” Instead, they are treated as heroes and the future government of Iran by bi-partisan leaders in Washington.
  • MEK threats to kill Presidents Richard Nixon and Jimmy Carter during their respective May 1972 and December 1977 visits to Iran.
  • the 1978 assassination of Texaco oil executive Paul Grimm in Ahwaz, Iran.
  • assisting in the 1979 takeover by Iranian militants of the U.S. embassy in Tehran.
  • the 1979 bombing in Tehran that killed the democratically-elected Iranian President, Mohammad Ali-Rajai, and Prime Minister, Mohammad Javad Bahonar.

During the Iran-Iraq war of the 1980s, Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein permitted the MEK, also known as the “People’s Mojahedin,” to establish bases inside Iraq. Saddam armed the MEK and provided them with financial and logistical support to carry out terrorist attacks inside Iran. In 1988, the MEK, with Saddam’s assistance, launched a ground invasion of Iran.

In Operation Mersad, Iranian forces defeated the MEK, which had hoped to establish control over Iranian territory to establish a rival Iranian government. Had the MEK succeeded, the Middle East would have seen its first genuine terrorist state. Establishment of a terrorist state would have to wait until the Syrian civil war, when ISIL proclaimed an independent caliphate in occupied territory in Syria and Iraq.

Maryam Rajavi Baghdadi MEK ISIS terror TehranMassoud Khodabandeh,, June 20 2017:… The following piece has been written by somebody I know well. He does not want his real name to be used because that would jeopardize the sensitive nature of his current work in counter terrorism in Europe – Massoud Khodabandeh… As a former member of the Mojahedin Khalq terrorist organization (MEK), I followed the news of terrorist attacks on Tehran with shame, guilt and anger. My shame and guilt stem …

Massoud Khodabandeh, Huffpost, June 02 2017:… The meeting was organised by Ana Gomes, SND (Portugal) and seconded by Marietje Schaake, ALDE (Netherlands) and Michael Gahler, Christian Democrats (Germany). Two expert speakers were invited to address the meeting: Nicola Pedde, Director Institute for Global Studies, Italy and Massoud Khodabandeh, Director Middle East Strategy Consultants, UK. …

Elona Gjebrea_Maryam RajaviMassoud and Anne Khodabandeh, Huffpost, May 18 2017:… In Albania, Elona Gjebrea also has close ties to the United States on the issue of people trafficking and slavery. The US embassy in Tirana, Albania acknowledged the State Department’s annual Trafficking in Persons report in June 2016 by saying, “The United States appreciates the close cooperation with the Government of Albania, civil society and especially National …

ISIS ISIL Mojahedin Khalq Rajavi cult Flaqsgrooming Mojahedin Khalq (MEK, Rajavi cult) in Tirana part of bigger agenda for Albania

Gazeta Impakt, Albania, Translated by Iran Interlink,  January 01 2017:… According to Fatos Klosi, former director of the National Intelligence Service, the American CIA chief has warned Albania that Donald Trump will renounce support for the MEK terrorists and it will be the Albanian Government itself which must deal with internal security and must confront a group trained militarily from the time of Saddam Hussein …

NATO’s Terrorist Bases in Europe

NATO and the United States, which, together, claim to be fighting some sort of amorphous “global war on terrorism,” have enabled a terrorist group to establish bases in two NATO member states – France and Albania – and one NATO protectorate, Kosovo. After evacuating forces of the anti-Iranian terrorist group Mojahedin-e-Khalq from their former bases in Iraq, the United States and NATO facilitated the group’s establishment of a well-guarded military base in Manez, Albania, near Tirana. In addition to hosting MEK members, NATO has convinced Albania to accept members of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), who surrendered to Western special forces in Syria and Iraq…….

The MEK’s most notable terrorist actions included:

  • the attempted kidnapping in 1970 of the U.S. ambassador to Iran, Douglas MacArthur II, the nephew of the famed World War II general.
  • the attempted assassination in 1972 of U.S. Air Force Brigadier General Harold Price with an improvised explosive device (IED).
  • the assassination in 1973 of U.S. Army officer Louis Lee Hawkins in Tehran. That same year, the MEK assassinated U.S. Air Force officers Col. Paul Shaffer and Lt. Col. Jack Turner.
  • the 1973 bombings of Pan-American World Airlines and Shell Oil offices in Tehran.
  • the assassination in Tehran in 1976 of three American employees of Rockwell International — William Cottrell, Donald Smith, and Robert Krongard. U.S. President Gerald Ford said he hoped that “the murderers will be brought to justice.” Instead, they are treated as heroes and the future government of Iran by bi-partisan leaders in Washington.
  • MEK threats to kill Presidents Richard Nixon and Jimmy Carter during their respective May 1972 and December 1977 visits to Iran.
  • the 1978 assassination of Texaco oil executive Paul Grimm in Ahwaz, Iran.
  • assisting in the 1979 takeover by Iranian militants of the U.S. embassy in Tehran.
  • the 1979 bombing in Tehran that killed the democratically-elected Iranian President, Mohammad Ali-Rajai, and Prime Minister, Mohammad Javad Bahonar.

During the Iran-Iraq war of the 1980s, Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein permitted the MEK, also known as the “People’s Mojahedin,” to establish bases inside Iraq. Saddam armed the MEK and provided them with financial and logistical support to carry out terrorist attacks inside Iran. In 1988, the MEK, with Saddam’s assistance, launched a ground invasion of Iran.

In Operation Mersad, Iranian forces defeated the MEK, which had hoped to establish control over Iranian territory to establish a rival Iranian government. Had the MEK succeeded, the Middle East would have seen its first genuine terrorist state. Establishment of a terrorist state would have to wait until the Syrian civil war, when ISIL proclaimed an independent caliphate in occupied territory in Syria and Iraq.

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