Folgen einer hoch kriminellen Deutschen und EU Politik, welche die Landeszerstörung finanzierten und Projekte, immer unter Kontrolle von Kriminellen als Kultur Status bezahlten und seit Ende 1998, auch die Weltbank, Ohne jede Kontrolle, nur mit eigen betriebenen gefakten Ok Reporting, wie toll Alles ist, und welche entscheidenden Fortschritte gemacht wurden. Knut Fleckenstein, Hamburg, war wie andere SPD Gestalten auch aus Hamburg, eine Art korrupter Vorzeige Club, für Verbrecher in Albanien, im Modell und System des Frank Walter Steinmeier, wobei Angela Merkel auch noch die Kopfabschneider Terroristen in Syrien finanzierte mit Milliarden.

Wahrscheinlich, konnte Niko Goro, nicht den illegal gebauten Bau registrieren lassen, somit auch keine Appartment verkaufen.

bei der Fiere Mafia: Susanne Schütz mit den Tirana Gangstern

Der Sohn, des Onkels des Bürgermeister von Himari wurde hingerichtet, weil er Minister Protektion hatte, der Edi Rama Mafia, hier mit Gjinuri, Land dort erwarb, um Wohnungen zubauen, aber der Land Verleiher erhielt Nichts.

Niko Goro, Gjinuri

Ekzekutohet biznesmeni i ndërtimit në Himarë, djali i xhaxhait të kryebashkiakut Jorgo Goro! Kapet autori nga Tirana: I kam dhënë tokën, s‘ më dha lekët! Ky është kompleksi që u bë ‚mollë sherri‘


Ekzekutohet biznesmeni i ndërtimit,  Niko Goro, 51 vjeç, djali i xhaxhait të kryebashkiakut, Jorgo Goro në shëtitoren e qytetit. Mes Niko Goros dhe autorit Kliti Leka kishte një marëveshje për ndërtimin e një pallati. Leka vuri në dispozicion tokën për të marrë apartamente. Gjatë momentit të vrasjes u filmua nga kamerat, ka vepruar i vetëm. 

Monday, October 5, 2020

Die Paten des „Pablo  Escobar des Balkans“: Klement Balili, der mit Schnellbooten eigene neue Drogen Routen in ganz Griechenland, zu Inseln organisierte mit anderen Verbrecher Clans inklusive Mykonos. HIer in Albanischen Medien in 2017
einige Ausschnitte jüngst von Foreign Policy: „Mr. Rama’s recruitment of inexperienced apprentices and corrupt loyalists„„Mr. Edi Rama’s government is incompetent and a prey to a significant influence of Islamic State; it must be emphasized that Albanian National Intelligence Service has been infiltrated by Islamic State agents and its well trained officers“–—–„Mr. Rama’s Government members who constantly pressure foreign investors for huge bribes and expensive vacations abroad.„—-„ came to power thanks to his deep connections with criminal factions„-– drug barons, money laundering

Arben Ahmeti – Susanne Schütz – Sokol Dervishi
Verbrecher Club des Betruges in Albanien-
Vlore Betrugs Geschäfte, wobei auch diese Mafia Minister schon gefeuert wurden

GTZ in Himari, man lässt sich feieren, mit Rund um Service, weil man eine Promenade finanziert hat. Andere Projekte, sind immer nur ein Desaster

Wie Betrug in Albanien organisiert wird, wurde schon in 1994 verfilmt: Lamerica (1994)


Albania removes clause for arbitrary confiscation of its Greek residents

Stavros MarkosumSManalysis – vor 20 Stunden
SManalysis Greek City Times Diplomatic sources on Saturday noted that the Albanian government has removed a clause from the online version of its Government Gazette which allowed for the arbitrary confiscation and impounding of land and properties of Greek expatriate residents in the region at Himara. According to the same sources “the Greek Prime Minister’s position on the issue was very clear in his comments yesterday, leaving no room for any misinterpretation by the Albanian leadership concerning the prerequisite of absolute respect for the rights and property of Greek expatriat… mehr »

The Albanian factor and its influence in the Balkans


Did you find out? You political clowns in Greece, that Greece has no problem with its Territorial claims in Albania? Northern Epirus, is it found or did you leave the legacy of those who fought 100 years ago ?, be careful, it is the Albania-Greece Conflict, not closed, apolitically …
 In 1942, the “Second League of Prizren” and “Hanjar Division” were formed, both of which became allies to German Nazis during WWII. After the war, from 1945 to 1974, Albanians from Albania started emigrating en masse to Kosovo and slowly pushing away and expelling Kosovo Serbs from that territory.
 Later on, an autonomy was given to Kosovo Albanians granted by the 1974 Yugoslav Constitution, which apparently wasn’t good enough to them as they continued rebelling. Albanians organized protests in 1981 demanding Republic instead of autonomy.
After a short truce, the Albanian irredentists in Kosovo began to cause chaos there again in 1987, the year when the disintegration of the SFRY formally began.
After the wars in Bosnia and Croatia ended in 1997, the United States re-launched the “Albanian factor” in Kosovo by supporting the so-called “Kosovo Liberation Army”.
 “KLA” had training camps in the north of Albania near the Serbian border, from where they occasionally jumped over to the Serbian territory and carried out terrorist activities. During 1998, this terrorist organization started an open conflict with the security forces of Serbia and the then FRY.
 The United States, embodied in the then high-ranking official Richard Holbrooke, supported “KLA’s” armed rebellion against the Serbian government. Holbrooke’s predecessor Robert Gelbard, however, previously labelled the KLA “without any questions, a terrorist group”.
Serbian security forces overpowered Albanian militant groups, but the USA and NATO started an air aggression on the FRY, which resulted in the presence of American and NATO forces in Kosovo and the loss of Serbia’s sovereignty over this province. Immediately after the end of the aggression, terrorist actions began in the Serbian southern municipalities of Presevo, Bujanovac and Medvedja, which do not administratively belong to Kosovo, with the intention of annexing these municipalities with an Albanian majority to Kosovo and later to Albania.
Meanwhile, Kosovo Albanians declared Kosovo’s independence in 2008 and were immediately recognized by the United States and most Western countries. After declaring independence, the border with Albania was abolished and the process of informal unification has begun. Although the conflicts in the so-called “Presevo Valley” were stopped in 2001, the Albanian factor does not rest there – there is a noticeable mass purchase of real estate by Albanians in the territory of southeastern Serbia which is considered by them to be a part of the “natural Albania”.
There were no armed conflicts in Montenegro, but the former government of this country was completely influenced by the Albanian factor.
Every single Montenegrin government was formed with Albanian participation. Montenegro’s independence in a referendum on May 21, 2006, was voted mostly thanks to Albanian votes. Immediately after the referendum, a small town Tuzi predominantly inhabited by Albanians was given the status of a municipality.
 The state of Montenegro essentially has no authority over the municipalities of Tuzi and Ulcinj, where the Prime Minister of Albania Edi Rama regularly comes without notifying the Montenegrin authorities, nor are the Montenegrin police allowed to intervene in those territories.
And now that Milo Djukanovic’s regime has finally fallen, the formation of a new government is already in question precisely because of the Albanian influence – Albanians who have only 4 mandates, without which the majority in parliament cannot be formed, are asking for the most important ministries.
Immediately after Kosovo, North Macedonia fell victim to the Greater Albania project. After the armistice in 2001, the Albanian factor began to take over all the levers of power in this country.
Under their influence, Macedonia recognized Kosovo in 2008, and in 2017, the Macedonian opposition consisting of a few political parties united with Macedonian Albanian parties, overthrew the regular government after a series of protests, which resulted in President Nikola Gruevski leaving the country. So far, Greece is the only country that has no visible problems for the time being, although Greek minority in Albania does have occasional problems.
The increased tensions between the Albanian government and the ethnic Greek minority are especially evident in areas of cultural and educational policies, as they impact on education in the Greek language. Same goes for the Serbian minority in Albania. Albanians and the Albanian communities living in the neighboring Balkan countries have been obsessively dreaming one and the same dream for already over a century – to live united in one state, a “natural” and “greater” one as they call it, and this has been exploited by the USA for the past 30 years which resulted in the destabilization of the region for the purpose of, we can assume, taking the control over it.
Through the eyes of Albanians this exploitation is seen as a support, a help, for which the leaders of the American Democrats are celebrated in Kosovo;
Pristina’s main street is named after Bill Clinton, with statue of him in it, as well as Madeleine Albright’s.
Thanks to the United States, the compulsive dreams of Greater Albania in the Balkans are slowly coming true. For the past 100 years, every Albanian attempt to destabilize the Balkans ended in failure.
However, this is not the case today thanks to the USA. Kosovo is virtually independent, without a border with Albania, and Serbia has limited sovereignty over the “Presevo Valley”.
North Macedonia has no control over the west of the country and Macedonians are slowly becoming a minority in their own country. Montenegro has only formal control over Malesija and Tuzi, and the new government formation literally depends on Albanians.