Wahl Betrug geplant und die Phantom Wahlreform seit 18 Jahren: abgelaufene ID Karten können benutzt werden

Der Innenminister Sander Leshi, der Georg Soros Bürgermeister von Tirana, verkünden diese Wahlbetrugs Methoden, wenn man die alten ID Karten einfach verlängert, wo es mindestens 4,4 Millionen Karten gibt, bei nur 2,8 Millionen Einwohnern, und viele gaben durch Auswanderung ihre Staatsbürgerschaft ab. Viele sind verstorben und ansonsten organisiert die korrupte EU Commission, von niemanden gewählt. Justiz brauchen wir nicht: Zitat Hillary Clinton: „wer Wahlen gewinnt, bestimmen wir“ ! und Steinmeier ist der Promoter der Verbrecher Kartelle, wo ja ständig Fortschritte attestiert werden. 3-affen Der nächste Betrug ist geplant, bei den Kommunalwahlen (30. Juni 2019), durch die EU finanzierte Drogenverteil Stelle: Albanien: Abgelaufene ID Karten, auch für die Mehrfach Wahlen, sind gültig bis 31.1.2019, womit der nächste Betrug geplant ist. Lt. Angela Merkel, der EU, des korrpten Knut Fleckenstein, gibt es „erhebliche Fortschritte“ in Albanien, was der nächste und Standard Betrug ist.

Am 31.12.2018, sind die 1,4 Millionen in 2009 ausgestellten ID Karten abgelaufen, welche Ferdinand Poni (verstorben), für die Berisha, Lulzim Basha Mafia für den Wahlbetrug in 2009 ausstellten, inklusive der Verteilung der Küsten Grundstücke an kriminelle Clans. Kriminelle Bürgermeister, wie Elvis Rroshi, fuhren mit 5 Identitäten nach Deutschland und Europa, als man das Betrugs Modell der Deutschen übernahm, was ja mit dem Bundesdruckerei Skandal mit Ludgar Vollmer auch so geplant war vor 18 Jahren rund um den Visa Skandal. Im Mafia Modell, wurden die ID Karten, noch bis 31.12.2019 für gültig erklärt, die nächste Wahlfälschung gezielt organisiert, wo Berisha, Ilir Meta, Edi Rama einschlägig bekannt sind, und die kriminellen Clans, welche das Spektakel finanzieren.

25 Jahre, Kandidaten Verkauf durch Geld, Kauf der Wählerstimmen

1,4 Millionen ID Karten, Pässe sind abgelaufen und was nun?

Wahlreform und niemand glaubt mehr der peinlichen EU Commission und Delegation, oder der Hirnlosen „Selfie“ Foto Termin D. Botschafterin Susanne Schütz

Head of the Central Election Commission in Albania voices his concerns about the electoral reform

Head of the Central Election Commission in Albania voices his concerns about the electoral reform

With the local government elections only five months away, the head of the Central Election Commission in Albania, Klement Zguri has expressed his concern today about the delays in the electoral reform.

“Time is crucial. Parliament needs to make the necessary amendments in the Electoral Law in order for our institution to do its best  to push this process forward”, Zguri says.

The political situation in the country is more and more similar to the one before the 2017 general elections, when a last minute agreement between PM Rama and opposition leader Basha enabled the registration of the political parties in the electoral race, while all legal deadlines had expired.

The head of this institution, Klement Zguri says that he does not intend to repeat this scenario.

“Of course, political parties need to comply with the deadlines and legal procedures. This is unacceptable and if there are such cases, then they should be reflected in the law, because this is the only way CEC could proceed with decision making”, Zguri said.

Meanwhile, the Central Election Commission in Albania is two members short. The two members in question are proposed by the opposition. /ibna/

EU ambassador: “Electoral reform, key to Albania’s EU integration”

Die Mord Progrome des Auswaertigen Amtes an den Investoren in Albanien

Das fast 20-seitige Protokoll wurde vom BKA und dem ebenfalls eingeweihten BND unter Verschluß gehalten – bis es im Oktober vergangenen Jahres plötzlich auf unerklärliche Weise illegal im Internet landete und die Machenschaften bis zum Mord in Tirana dokumentierte, durch die Joschka Fischer Diplomaten Mafia, welche versuchte so den Skandal zuvertuschen. „Zu Ronnis Freunden zählten aber nicht nur Landsleute und Dealer. Auch eine Gruppe einflußreicher europäischer Diplomaten und deutscher Manager, die sich in Albanien niedergelassen hatten, schätzten seine Gesellschaft.“ aus: Mindestens 2 Deutsche erhielten Politischen Asyl, als die Joschka Fischer Bande, jeden verfolgte, darunter G.B. und Herr Rossner.

fast 20 Jahre Profi korrupte Vertreter, wie Eugen Wohlfahrt, die EU Botschafterin und der korrupte Knut Fleckenstein, Johannes Hahn. Schaffen die jetzigen EU und OSCE Vertreter die Wahl Reform? Gekaufte Wahlen in Albanien, Kosovo sind Standard Zgjatet përdorimi i kartave të identitetit, Veliaj e Lleshaj: Të vlefshme deri në 31 dhjetor 2019

Kryebashkiaku i Tiranës, Erion Veliaj dhe ministri i Brendshëm, Sandër Lleshaj kanë bërë me dije për qytetarët lajmin e zgjatjes së vlefshmërisë së letërnjoftimeve elektronike që skadonin këtë vit deri më 31 dhjetor 2019. Njoftimi u bë gjatë një vizite në zyrat e reja të kompanisë „Aleat“ në Rrugën “Bardhyl”, të cilat u vijnë në ndihmë 120 mijë banorëve të Njësive 3 dhe 4. Sipas tyre, Bashkia e Tiranës, në bashkëpunim me Ministrinë e Brendshme dhe kompaninë Aleat, kanë nisur punën për hapjen e zyrave të reja në të gjithë qytetin, ku qytetarët mund të aplikojnë për rinovimin kartave të identitetit edhe ditën e shtunë e të dielë. “Do të kemi amendime ligjore, që pavarësisht nga data kur skadon karta në vitin 2019, skadimi final do të jetë 31 dhjetori i 2019-ës. Do të thotë se për të gjithë ata që nuk e kanë me ngut, të cilëve karta u duhet për një a dy herë, si rasti i votimeve apo një dokument tjetër brenda vendit, vlefshmëria do të zgajtet deri në datën 31 dhjetor 2019. Ky është një lajm i shkëlqyer për të ulur pak këtë presion dhe për ta shfrytëzuar gjithë vitin”, tha Veliaj.
Zyrat e reja të aplikimit në Njësitë 3 dhe 4 në Tiranë
Ndërsa në fjalën e tij, ministri i Brendshëm, Sandër Lleshaj siguroi qytetarët se me kapacitetet e shtuara nuk do të kenë asnjë pengesë në marrjen në kohë të shërbimit të kërkuar. …………………. Përgjatë muajve janar-qershor të këtij viti pritej që ti skadonte afati i kartës më shumë se 1.4 milionë shqiptarëve. Një fakt i tillë do të ndikonte në zgjedhjet parlamentare të qershorit. fl.mi./b.ha.

Bekleidungs Industrie hat Export Probleme

Durch den € Niedergang, erlöste man angeblich 115 Millionen € weniger in LEK, weil man für feste € Beträge nähte und exportierte. Exporte erlösen weniger, weil der € 15 % niedriger bewertet wird, wie vor 3 Jahren, in Shkoder benutzt man die Exporte als Tarnung für Drogen Schmuggel, wo Fahrer im allgemeinen überall ca. 20.000 € erhalten und das vor 20 Jahren schon.

Ballkani Shqipëri: Industria fasone në vështirësi Pëllumb Sulo Wahrscheinlich durch ein Gasleck, hatten 16 Mitarbeiter einer Bekleidungs Fabrik Schwindel Gefühle
„Albastir“ mit fasoneri / Bügel Aktivität. Die Mitarbeiter werden in das Krankenhaus mit Schwindel, Atemnot und Husten vorgestellt.
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    Përfaqësues të industrisë fasone ne Shqipëri deklaruan sot se, për shkak të zhvlerësimit te euros dhe mosrimbursimit, po shkojnë drejt falimentimit.
    Ndërkohe, edhe punëtoret e bizneseve fason po protestojnë për pagat e ulëta dhe rritjen e normës së punës. Në Shqipëri rreth 66 mijë punëtorë punojnë në biznesin e fasonerise, i cili kontribuon në rreth 40 për qind të eksporteve shqiptare. Korrespondenti i Zeritvte Amerikës, Pëllumb Sulo njofton:

Britische Medien, über das EU Columbien: Albanien

Geld ohne Ende, für den Gender und Schwuchtel Wahn, der Albanien wie Deutschland zerstört. Alles bekannt, was die EU treibt auch mit Kolumbianern in Albanien schon in 1999, wo die Italiener schon damals die Erste Kolumbianer festnahmen, welche Koka Sträucher anbauen wollten mit der Albaner Mafia. Die Gestalten kamen unter dem Deckmantel der Hilfsorganisationen u.a. der Welthungerhilfe nach Albanien. Angebliche LBGT Gruppen, andere NGOs bis in Deutsche Regierungstellen, waren schon damals nur kriminelle Enterprise, was im Visa Skandal gut dokumentiert wurde. Die selben Akteure in Berlin mit der KfW, EU und US Banken und immer wieder Georg Soros, sind Federführend, damals wie heute.

‘Colombia of Europe’: How tiny Albania became the

LGBTI Human Rights Workshop In Tirana


Kings of cocaine: how the Albanian mafia seized control of the UK drugs trade

‘They’re sophisticated, clever – and they always deliver’: from the ports of Europe to the streets of London, one criminal network is now at the top of the UK’s £5bn trade
Albanian crime gangs used the threat of violence – and commercial savvy – to take over the UK cocaine market.
Albanian crime gangs used the threat of violence – and commercial savvy – to take over the UK cocaine market. Photograph: Romas Foord

Something had kicked off the night before and the guys on the corner were keen to offer advice. “You don’t want to be hanging around here too long,” one said, refusing to elaborate. They were standing near Crispe house, a tower block on east London’s Gascoigne estate, undisputed territory of Hellbanianz.

The gang, an Albanian street crew of drug dealers, is known locally for its violence and more widely for a social media output featuring Ferraris, wads of £50 notes and gold Rolex watches to help enhance its reputation and recruit “youngers”. The Gascoigne estate, built in the 1960s and occupying land that slopes south of Barking town centre to the Thames, is its historical home turf….

It was getting dark, another two men appeared and, when asked if they were Hellbanianz, one said: “You should go.” The Observer was escorted off the estate and told not to return.

Hellbanianz belong to the “retail game” of the cocaine trade. They are the street dealers and enforcers of the Mafia Shqiptare, the Albanian organised criminal syndicates who, the National Crime Agency believe, are consolidating power within the UK criminal underworld and on their way to a near total takeover of the UK’s £5bn cocaine market.

The gang’s glossily produced trap music videos remind viewers “HB are ready for violence” and that they possess the requisite manpower and firearms. Yet, police sources say, Hellbanianz occupy the lowest rung of the Albanian mafia.

To better understand the Albanians’ remarkable rise in the UK one might climb to the 12th floor of the Gascoigne estate’s high-rise blocks. From there, the skyline of London, where much of their cocaine will be snorted, stretches west. In the opposite direction, several miles along the Thames, lie the mammoth container ports where their cocaine is offloaded in multi-kilo shipments. But it is across the Atlantic, to the jungles of Latin America, where the story of the Mafia Shqiptare starts.

How Albanians came to conquer the UK’s cocaine market is a lesson in criminal savvy; the value of making friends with the world’s most dangerous mafias; and the absolute threat of violence.

It began with a business model that was simple in concept, but sufficiently bold to subvert the existing order. For years cocaine’s international importers worked separately from its wholesalers and the gangs. Pricing structure varied, depending on the drug’s purity; the higher it was, the more it cost.

The Albanians ditched the entire model. They began negotiating directly with the Colombian cartels who control coca production. Huge shipments were arranged direct from South America. Supply chains were kept in-house.

Intelligence obtained by British experts revealed that the Albanians were procuring cocaine from the cartels for about £4,000 to £5,500 a kilo, at a time when rivals thought they were getting a decent deal using Dutch wholesalers selling at £22,500 a kilo. The Albanians lowered the price of cocaine – and increased its purity. More massive consignments were brought into the UK.

One of Hellbanianz’s slickly made drill rap videos, set on the Gascoigne estate in Barking, east London.
One of Hellbanianz’s slickly made drill rap videos, set on the Gascoigne estate in Barking, east London. Photograph: YouTube

Tony Saggers, the former head of drugs threat and intelligence at the National Crime Agency, who has spent 30 years analysing the rhythms of the global narcotics economy, said: “What they have done very intelligently is say: ‘OK, we’ve got these margins to play with and we’re going to give a good slice of that to the customer.’”

The Albanian effect has profoundly shaped the use, production and economy of cocaine. The drug is at its cheapest in the UK since 1990 and purer than it has been for a decade, which has caused record fatalities. The UK has the highest number of young users in Europe. More broadly, far bigger and more frequent shipments of the drug have been seized entering the UK as cocaine production in south America has hit record levels – up 31% on 2016.

Rivals to the Albanian gangs like Hellbanianz initially struggled to compete because they had an inferior, more expensive product. Their only option has been to buy cocaine sourced from the Mafia Shqiptare.

Saggers said: “They have shown that you don’t have to be greedy to dominate drug markets. They’ve gone down the route of sustainable prices, good quality.”

Mohammed Qasim, a research fellow at Leeds Beckett University who studys drug dealers, described the Albanian business approach as “fantastic”, adding: “If they were on Dragon’s Den with this model, all the dragons would be giving them money.”

Yet for the Albanians’ model to truly work it required control of Europe’s ports. For that the Mafia Shqiptare needed to collaborate with the ‘Ndrangheta, the most powerful and globalised of the Italian mafias, which controls mainland Europe’s cocaine trade.

There is considerable evidence that not only are the Albanians working with the ‘Ndrangheta, but that they have formed the tightest of alliances. Sources say the Italian mafia consider the Albanians as equals. Saggers said: “There’s a strong Italian-organised mafia link with Albanians now, Albanians are working with them – not in competition with them. Plus, historically, the Italians have good contacts in Latin America.”

Albania Offers Frontex Agents Total Immunity

Albania Offers Frontex Agents Total Immunity
A new draft law to ratify an agreement between the EU and Albania will allow the European Border and Coast Guard Agency (Frontex) to operate within its borders. Frontex will have “executive competences” and be allowed to undertake operations within the border of Albania against illegal immigration and cross-border crime, such as drug trafficking.

Frontex agents will be allowed be armed and use force within the limits determined by Albanian law. Furthermore, Frontex agents will have immunity on Albanian territory, which means they will not be able to be prosecuted by the Albanian judiciary for any crimes committed in the country while involved in an official operation.

According to the agreement, Frontex agents cannot be called to testify as witnesses, which especially in case of drug trafficking will make it more difficult to get traffickers convicted. Furthermore, any damages caused by Frontex agents are to be covered by the Albanian state.
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